Sunday, October 31, 2010

3 months 2 weeks and 5 days old!!

I had intention of keeping this blog current, updating every other day and telling all about out wonderful journey from couple-dom to family...... What was I thinking? It has been so busy since July I have barely had any time to myself. But now Little Miss is settling into a schedule and I am finding time to get some things done. So I will give a brief synopses of the past 3 months, 2 weeks and 5 days - I will attempt not to ramble and keep it flowing... Ready?

Well the first two weeks after bringing baby home were quite busy, Dad had a pretty severe allergic reaction to a medication and was pretty miserable for almost a week, while he worked with an allergist to get it under control. I had some complications that had me visiting the doctor two times a week for a while... Even with all the issues her parents had, Miss Claudia adjusted to her new environment like a champ. Gaining weight well and sleeping lots. Week 2 brought Grandma and Grandpa Gulick out from Michigan. They were able to stay for a week and I really appreciated all their help. Grandpa Greg was going a little stir crazy in the suburbs, but he managed to garden my patio area twice a day, my flowers and tomatoes were very sad to see him leave. July wrapped up with Claudia's first photo shoot by Aunt Sara. The pictures turned out great and they were sent out as announcements.

In August we traveled. When Claudia was 4 weeks old we made our first trek to Michigan to meet all her cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, and relatives there. We were able to meet many and our stay was entirely too short. We returned to New York for a few doctors appointments and Christian to finish summer school state exams. The following week we were on the road again, this time a little family vacation, we were off to Nancy and Ed's cabin in Maine. Claudia is a great traveler, by the time she was 7 weeks old she had been in 9 states, and in the carseat for countless hours!!

September started quietly. Claudia attended her first wedding and even was able to sit through the ceremony without fussing. We also were able to successfully transition Claudia to her Crib in her own room this month. She began sleeping longer stretches. She was going to bed around 8:30 and waking up 2 times through the night. Mid-September brought a lot of unexpected chaos to our family, on the 17th my Father, Greg, had a stroke and was hospitalized for 10 days. Aunt Sara came down to our house in NY and Claudia took her first train, bus, and plane ride to rush to see Grandpa. We are thankful to the many family members and friends who were able to help take care of Claudia and do so many acts of kindness for the family.

Another month another plane ride, this one was scheduled though!! October 7th is Grandma Cheryl's birthday and Miss C and I flew home for a few days. This month also marks Miss C's 3-month birthday. At her check up she weighed in at 14 Lbs. 8.5 ounces and 26inches long. I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast. Claudia loves the bath, she splashes and kicks until the warmth leaves water. Her bedtime routine is paying off most nights she sleeps two 6 hour stretches, and a few times she has slept 10 and 12 hour stretches :) YEA!! This month we also started going to Mother Goose Story hour on Friday mornings. I am able to go with her because I have not gone back to yet!! I will go back toward the end of November. Until then we send our days running errands, doing laundry and taking nice walks around the area. Today is Halloween Claudia's first and we spent the day with family. We had lunch with Michael and Lydia (christians parents) then we carved pumpkins. I think they were the first pumpkins Michael and Lydia had caved in over 20 years!! I love starting new traditions!!